Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am in the library right now, the time being 16:42.

Aka 4:42.



Here is the situation;

I have class at 9 in the morning till 10:20. Then I should have class at 11, but my Professor decided to change the start time to 12. (I have no idea how he has the power to do this but it annoys me greatly because it cuts into the rfh (Rebecca feasting hour)) Anyway so I go from 12-1:30 then I have a monster break till 4.

I decided today I would be productive with my break and work on a paper. This paper being about the Nation-State in the Middle east and analyzing how it and its connection to religion effect domestic and foreign policies, basically it put me into a coma right at the student center computer. Perfect. I woke up in a panic and looked at the clock and saw that it said 15:56. I went phew, thinking I had another hour to sleep. No. I did not. This is why like money and language CLOCKS SHOULD BE ALL READ THE SAME. So there is no confusion. Any who this was the end result; I rush upstairs realizing my mistake 20 minutes later and run up the stairs and look in at my class watching a power point. I then spend the next 20 minutes watching the class learn, fear rooting me to my spot. I then sadly and pathetically (tail in between my legs) walked down to the library and since then I have been pitifully been reading over the graduate students shoulder next to me and spying on his thesis paper on Chekhov.

IF at my stupid pre departure orientation they hadn’t given us that big speech on how disrespectful it is to walk into a class more then 5 minutes late I would have been fine, but nope instead I am here. Because I am a chicken.

What would you have done?

ps. Grad students name is Rah Migal and he says hi.

pps. kill me.

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