Thursday, January 28, 2010


So I sort of forgot why I came to London. Despite all the touring around, picture taking and pub hopping, I originally came here for educational stimulation. Aka school….ew.

Back home I planned lots of trips and visiting other countries completely forgetting that I would have classes during the week.

First of all, classes I am discovering that Europe has a very different teaching curriculum then the states. Overall it is a lot easier except for one tiny fact, you are graded on attendance. They expect 100% attendance and if you miss a class you must have a doctor’s note, if no note then you must meet with the dean. ARE YOU SERIOUS? I’m studying abroad! I am defiantly going to miss a Monday morning or 2.

Secondly, the classes are longer then I am used to and are held at the oddest hours. 6-9 pm 9-10:25am and no one on campus has class between 12:20-2. Bizarre.

However I am slowly getting used to the idea that I have to attend class and as I am doing so I am finding the classes I’m taking are very cool. A level 450 History course on European Fascism which is blowing my mind because everyone in it is SOOOOO well read. I’m also taking my first women studies course and it kicks some serious British bum. It’s called “Behind the veil; Women in the Classical World” and is educating me on the Greek goddess that ruled the world while the men bowed down to serve them. My kind of life.

Some serious sightseeing will be done this weekend so I will have a lot to talk about as well as a picture of the brand new THIGH HIGH black boots I bought (get excited.) Also on Saturday I will be attending Abby’s (a girl in the flat) 21st Birthday which is being celebrated in an ICEBAR.

Oh yea. Ice bar. Entirely made of ice. I’m pretty much P Ditty.

Lots of love


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